教會簡介About Us
[ 中文 / English]
傑城中華基督教會,是一個不分宗派、篤信聖經真理、信仰純正福音的教會。本教會的成員大多是從中國、台灣、香港以及東南亞移民來美的華人基督徒所組成。我 們 在每週日都有崇拜,目的是敬拜那創造我們、愛我們的真神,其中有禱告、唱詩歌、讀經、講道,都是以華語為主。為了顧及只懂英文或廣東話的弟兄姊妹,我們教會崇拜提供了英語、廣東語的翻譯。我們期望能將唯一真神的愛及同胞的溫情,分享給所有在傑克森維爾市的朋友們。
Chinese Christian Church of Jacksonville is a non-denominational, believes in the Bible and pure evangelical faith church. Members of the church are composed of mainly Chinese Christians migrating from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
We have concurrent English and Chinese worship services every Sunday. The purpose is to worship our God who created us and love us, and the service includes praying, singing songs of praise and worship, Bible reading and sermon preaching.
For our English-speaking or Cantonese-speaking brothers and sisters-in-Christ who attend the Chinese service, we provide translations in English and Cantonese. We hope to share the love of the one and only true God and warmth of fellow brothers and sisters to our friends living in the City of Jacksonville.
In addition to Sunday worship service, the church also offers Sunday School classes and Bible study gatherings. The purpose is to allow brothers and sisters to learn the truths of the Bible. We also have fourteen fellowship groups, to meet the needs of various groups and backgrounds. The purpose is to provide opportunities for brothers and sisters-in-Christ to fellowship and love one another in Christ in their daily lives.
Believing in our Lord Jesus Christ and pursuing growth in our spiritual faith is our Christian spiritual life journey. Because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we have become children of God, and receive His eternal life. Jesus Christ will lead us to have a new meaning and direction in our life and help us to live a more abundant life. We hope you will receive Jesus Christ too.
信仰告白 Our Belief
[ 中文 / English]
1. 我們相信新舊約聖經是神的啟示所賜,且是世人信仰及行為的唯一準則。
We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old
and the New Testaments were given by inspiration by God, and that they are the
only certain rule of faith and practice.
2. 我們相信聖父、聖子、聖靈是三位一體永在的神
We believe in one God eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. 我們相信全能的父神是一切萬物之主宰。
We believe that God the Almighty Father is
sovereign, the Lord of all creation.
4. 我們相信耶穌基督是神的獨生子,是真神及真人,從聖靈懷孕,由童貞女馬利亞所生。我們也相信主耶穌基督替世人的罪而死、復活、昇天,在天上為神的兒女作中保,將來再回到地上親自顯現,審判世人,祂的國度無窮無盡。
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only
begotten Son of God, the He is truly God and truly man, that He was conceived
by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. Further, we believe in the
substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins, in the
resurrection of His body, His ascension into heaven, His High-Priestly intercession
for God’s people, His personal, visible, future return to the earth, His
judgement of the world, and His everlasting kingdom.
5. 我們相信聖靈是三一真神的一位,祂的神職是榮耀基督,並使世人悔改重生、稱義成聖。
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person,
and that His ministry is to glorify Christ by the regeneration, justification,
sanctification and glorification of God’s people.
6. 我們相信人是照著神的形象創造的,因背叛、犯罪與神隔絕,死於罪惡而受撒旦統治。
We believe that man was originally created in the image of God, that he rebelled, sinned against God, and consequently, became separated from God, being dead in trespasses and sin, and that he became subject to the power of Satan.
7. 我們相信罪人得救全是神的恩典,不是靠人的行為,唯獨靠主耶穌基督死於十字架上才能成就,人唯有藉著聖靈悔改重生,信靠耶穌基督才能得救。
We believe that salvation is entirely a free
gift of God and cannot be earned through human works, that it has been
accomplished solely by the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, that
only by faith in Jesus Christ through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit can
man receive salvation.
8. 我們相信唯一聖而公之教會是神所揀選,以基督為首。教會是基督的身體,信徒為教會的肢體。教會的使命是向世人見證耶穌基督的福音。
We believe in one holy universal Church chosen
by God, headed by Christ, that the church is the body of Christ to which all
believers belong, that its mission is to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ to
all people.
9. 我們相信聖餐與洗禮是教會僅有的聖禮,是主耶穌基督生命、復活、再回到地上、及掌權的見證。
We believe that the Lord’s Supper and Baptism are the only ordinances of the Church and that they testify to the life, resurrection, return, and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.